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The APPG for International Students will hold its Inaugural General Meeting (IGM) on Wednesday 16 October 2024. This will be the APPG’s first formal meeting of the current parliament following the General Election earlier this year. This website will be updated following the IGM. Until then, all content and the Group’s lists of Officers and Members should be considered historic.

Houses of Parliament

Support the APPG

The work of the APPG for International Students is only possible thanks to the support of education providers and other sector organisations. Becoming a Supporter costs as little as £250 per annum and will help to ensure that the voice of international students will be heard in Parliament for years to come.

About us

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for International Students is an informal grouping of MPs and Peers which provides a focal point for political activity and industry cooperation on the important issue of international education and students in the UK.

CIEE Summer 2022 Kew Gardens Visit
Work of the APPG

How the APPG works

The APPG conducts its work mainly through holding meetings and roundtables in Parliament where a particular aspect of the international student experience or the perspectives of international education providers is discussed, with expert guest speakers and invited representatives from the sector. For exploring the most significant issues in depth, the APPG can hold an Inquiry and take evidence in written and oral form which is then analysed and a public report produced.

Important milestones

May 2016

First meeting of the APPG
The All Party Parliamentary Group for International Students met for the first time in the Palace of Westminster hosted by our founding Co-Chairs, Lord Bilimoria and Paul Blomfield MP.​

November 2018

major inquiry report
The APPG for International Students published its first major report following an Inquiry into a sustainable future for international students in the UK.​

July 2023

Graduate Visa inquiry report
The APPG for International Students published its second major report following an Inquiry into the Graduate Visa route to mark its second anniversary and the completion of the first period of leave on this visa by the first cohort of graduates.​

Contact the APPG

For all correspondence, please contact our secretariat Independent Higher Education (IHE).


Phone: +44 20 3929 3370

Follow our Twitter account: @APPGIS