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Graduate Visa Inquiry: student roundtable

The Graduate Visa was launched in 2021 to offer international students studying at degree level in the UK the opportunity to work here for two years after study. On 1 July 2023, the visa had officially been available for two years and the first of the students to access the visa had begun to take their next steps. To mark this anniversary, the APPG for International Students conducted a short inquiry into the effectiveness of the Graduate Visa route in its first two years.

The student roundtable was one of two events hosted by the APPG for International Students, to inform the inquiry. International students, both with experience and without experience of the Graduate Visa, had the opportunity to contribute their perspectives and respond to some of the key findings identified in the expert roundtable. Participating students included UKCISA Student Ambassadors and international students sourced by the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) and the British Universities International Liaison Association (BUILA).