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UKCISA announces new Student Ambassadors for 2025-2026

NEWS FROM UKCISA – CLICK HERE FOR THE ORIGINAL UKCISA has appointed eight new international students who will be joining the #WeAreInternational Student Ambassador Programme, an education policy and leadership development scheme for future global leaders. The programme empowers international students to be key partners in shaping a quality student experience,… Read More »UKCISA announces new Student Ambassadors for 2025-2026

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Over 1/4 of world’s countries headed by someone educated in UK 

NEWS FROM HEPI – CLICK HERE FOR THE ORIGINAL HEPI’S 2023 SOFT-POWER INDEX  The Higher Education Policy Institute ( has published the results of its seventh annual Soft-Power Index. The Index measures the number of serving world leaders (monarchs, presidents and prime ministers) educated at a higher level in countries other than their… Read More »Over 1/4 of world’s countries headed by someone educated in UK